Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Forced labor is a severe violation of human rights, defined by the International Labour Organization as any work or service exacted from an individual under threat of penalty, where the individual has not voluntarily offered to perform the work (Ogunleye & Idris, 2024). The Nigerian Constitution contains provisions aimed at protecting citizens from forced labor, aligning with international conventions such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. However, despite these legal safeguards, forced labor remains prevalent, especially in areas like Gombe LGA, where socio-economic vulnerabilities, lack of enforcement, and cultural practices contribute to its persistence. This study will assess the implementation of constitutional safeguards against forced labor in Gombe LGA.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Despite constitutional and international provisions aimed at eliminating forced labor, the practice continues to affect vulnerable populations in Gombe LGA, particularly women and children. This study will examine the effectiveness of constitutional safeguards in addressing forced labor and explore the socio-cultural and economic factors that perpetuate the practice at the local level.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
To evaluate the effectiveness of constitutional safeguards against forced labor in Gombe LGA.
To investigate the factors contributing to the persistence of forced labor in Gombe.
To recommend strategies for improving the enforcement of constitutional provisions against forced labor in Gombe.
1.4 Research Questions
How effective are constitutional safeguards in preventing forced labor in Gombe LGA?
What socio-economic and cultural factors contribute to the persistence of forced labor in Gombe?
What measures can be taken to enhance the enforcement of constitutional safeguards against forced labor?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
H₁: Constitutional safeguards against forced labor are poorly enforced in Gombe LGA due to weak institutional frameworks.
H₂: Socio-economic and cultural factors contribute significantly to the persistence of forced labor in Gombe LGA.
H₃: Strengthening local law enforcement and public awareness campaigns can reduce the incidence of forced labor in Gombe.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study will provide critical insights into the implementation of constitutional safeguards against forced labor at the local government level. It will inform policy reforms aimed at strengthening legal frameworks and tackling the socio-cultural and economic drivers of forced labor, contributing to the broader fight against human trafficking and exploitation.
1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study will focus on Gombe LGA, Gombe State, and will examine the effectiveness of constitutional safeguards against forced labor. Limitations include difficulties in gathering accurate data due to the clandestine nature of forced labor practices and potential reluctance from victims or perpetrators to speak openly about the issue.
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms
Forced Labor: Work or service extracted from an individual through coercion, where the person has not voluntarily offered to perform the labor.
Constitutional Safeguards: Legal protections outlined in the Nigerian Constitution designed to protect citizens from exploitation, including forced labor.
Socio-Cultural Factors: Cultural norms, practices, and social structures that influence behavior and contribute to societal issues, including forced labor.